Jul 31, 2013

Nurgül Yeşilçay: U mom životu nije uvek sunčano

Intervju za magazin Gloria (Srbija)

Tokom boravka na Festivalu evropskog filma na Paliću velika zvijezda turske kinematografije glumica Nurgul Yesilcay (37) nije se ponašala kao princeza na zrnu graška, već je rado izlazila u susret novinarskim zahtjevima za intervju. Lijepa, sa upečatljivim maslinastozelenim očima koje se ne zaboravljaju, odgovarala je na sva pitanja i fotografisala se sa svima koji su je prepoznali. Iako je naša publika najprije zna po ulozi Jasemin u hit seriji Ljubav i Kazna, Nurgul iza sebe ima 20-ak filmskih i televizijskih uloga i mnoštvo nagrada, među kojima se po značaju i ugledu izdvaja Zlatna pomorandža u Antaliji za najbolju tursku glumicu u 2008. 
Iz braka sa sedamnaest godina starijim kolegom Cemom Ozerom ima osmogodišnjeg sina Osmana Nejata. Razveli su se prije tri godine i od tada je Nurgul sama. 
Uvjerena kako je popularana samo u Turskoj, bila je prilično iznenađena kada je shvatila da je prepoznaju i na našim ulicama.

Nisam znala da su naše serije baš toliko popularne u Srbiji. Tek po dolasku u vašu zemlju, kada su me sa ti podatkom upoznali organizatori festivala na Paliću, ali i kada su me obični ljudi pitali o nekim mojim kolegama, počela sam bolje da sagledavam uticaj turskih serija. Imamo  veliku produkciju koja svake godine stvori 10-ak veoma gledanih serijala. Snimaju se i sjajni filmovi. Žao mi je što oni ne doživljavaju ni približan uspjehkao TV serije. Mnogi od njih imaju zaista visoke umjetničke i etičke vrijednosti. Razlog, vjerovatno,l eži u snazi koju danas ima televizija. Ne treba zanemariti činjenicu da turske serije najveći uspjeh doživljavaju u komšiluku, u zemljama s kojima imamo duge kulturne i duhovne veze.


-Prošetala sam se centrom Beograda i veoma mi se svidio. Dinamičan je, mnogo ljudi je na ulicama, što mi se posebno dopalo. Poslije toga sam stigla na Palić koji mu je sušta suprotnost:miran i tih,bez saobraćaja. Kao članica žirija imam mnogo obaveza. Svakog dana sam gledala dva filma i poslije toga o njima razgovarala sa ostalim kolegama u žiriju. Zato nisam bila u mogućnosti da se prošetam oko jezera.


-Veoma je teško sam odgajati dijete. Svi su navikli da vodim sina na snimanja i čini mi se da im je to sasvim normalno. U životu samohrane majke nije uvijek sunčano i nasmijano. Naprotiv. Ne žalim se, nemojte me pogrešno shvatiti, samo hoću da kažem da se suočavam sa problemima kao i druge žene koje su u istoj ili sličnoj situaciji.


-U pozorištu ne možete da blefirate, morate da mu se potpuno prepustite. Posljednjih godina više radim na filmu, posebno na televiziji, a pozorište traži posebnu posvećenost. Svako veče morate da mu se vraćate. Ali nisam ga se odrekla. Ono je moja prva ljubav.


-Veoma malo .Prije nego što sam došla na Palićki festival nisam imala previše prilika da gledam srpske filmove. Ovdje sam upoznala divne autore i ljude, pa ću se sigurno u budućnosti upoznati sa njihovim djelima. Imam malo slobodnog vremena. Jedna epizoda A serije u Turskoj traje 120 min. Emituje se samo jednom nedjeljno i tada je cijela nacija ispred televizora. Sve staje. To je velika obaveza. Preko naših profesionalnih udruženja pokušavali smo da se izborimo za kraće trajenje epizode. Do sada nismo imali uspjeha . Informisana sam da kod vas epizoda traje 40-45 min. Mislim da je to mnogo bolje. Često na setu radim po 12 sati. Tom vremenu treba dodati pripreme, šminkanje, putovanje. Kad završim s poslom, više nemam snage da gledam bilo šta. Dosadno mi je da glumim u stvarnom životu i pričam kako gledam sve filmove, kako znam cijelokupnu svijetsku produkciju.


- Sve što sam probala bilo je odličnog ukusa .Primjetila sam da turska i srpska kuhinja imaju dosta sličnosti. Koristimo iste začine prlikom spremanja mesa.


-Da, ali su mi veoma jake. Jedva sam mogla da progutam gutljaj.


-Ne, nijednog trenutka. Protesti su legitimni izraz nezadovoljstava. Bila sam sa ljudima koji žele više slobode. Onog momenta kada je država upotrijebila silu protiv svojih građana i kada je jedan mladić nastradao, javio se revolt i protesti su postali masovniji. Mnoge moje kolege bile su uz svoj narod.


-Teško mi je da ljetujem u Turskoj. Svi me prepoznaju i to mi onda nije odmor. Zato i neću biti u nekom našem poznatom ljetovalištu. Otputovati ću na desetak dana sa sinom na Mikonos. Tamo me niko ne zna, moći ću na miru da uživam u suncu i moru.

Hvala Maja i Jelena!

Jul 19, 2013

In August ~ Exclusive Interview with Nurgül Yeşilçay for TV Novele Magazine ~ Serbia

Nurgül Yeşilçay was jury in 20 European Film Festival Palić in Serbia one week. The journalist from TV Novele Magazine, Stefan Zlatkovic, had chance to take interview from her, which will be available on 5 August. He share his impression from his meeting with Nurgül in http://www.forum.hr, we, from Nurgül Yeşilçay Fan Blog Thanks him. Here is his story…

Written by Stefan Zlatkovic 
(journalist from TV Novele magazine)
(nick on Forum.hr is M_CIMARRO)

She really left a good impression on me. We had no idea if we'll even get the interview. When we arrived to Palic, we called a lady from the festival administration, and she told us there is no chance we'll get an interview since Nurgul had already refused several requests. Then we asked her to check with Nurgul can she spare at least a couple of minutes so we can take her picture with our magazine in her hand, because we won't have our photo crew with us in the upcoming days. She called us after 10 minutes and told us that Nurgul had agreed to take a picture and to meet us at the agreed location.

Nurgul, Ahmet (director of a Turkish film festival) and Nurgul's best friend, finally came after about an hour. They were all relaxed and in a great mood. We already prepared the camera, but Nurgul wasn't up for a mini photo shoot after all, considering she was in a more than casual attire (ordinary t-shirt, shorts and no make up whatsoever). After that we asked her can we at least get an interview. First she was not up for it, but she agreed after a bit of convincing from her best friend and Ahmet.

We had our questions ready in a file and when I opened it her reaction was ''ooooooo'', as in so many questions..lol I emphasized that we talked to a couple of her fans because we wanted to ask her what they wanted to know about her. She confessed that she had no idea she was so popular in Serbia and that people were approaching her and asking for her autograph while she was walking around.

The conversation was going so naturally, and it continued so even after we turned on our voice recorder. Of course I can't say what she told us in the interview before we publish it in our magazine, but I can say that her friend and Ahmet were ''cutting in'' throughout the interview so the whole thing seemed more like a friendly chit chat than an interview. I even didn't have a feeling that I was there in a professional capacity..as a reporter, and I think she got relaxed as well and that, at some point, she even forgot she was talking to press..wich was, of course, our inteniton..lol We followed the usual Q&A formula, but it was not formal in any way.

She wasn't acting out or behaving like a celebrity..she was just a regular girl/woman who was talking to us so relaxed, without distance or hesitation. The only thing she asked us was to answer the questions in turkish (Ahmet was our translator), because she said she completely understands english, but she feels more comfortable when she's answering in her native language. But despite that request, she started to answer the questions in english, and Ahmet translated the rest when she'd switch to turkish.

She was smiling the whole time, and generally in good mood..not just her, but Ahmet and her friend as well. She was surprised by some of the questions, for exapmle, was she afraid that her latest tweet, where she stated that she would kill those responsible for the death of a protester from Ankara, would affect her career. Both she and Ahmet were surprised that we knew about that. Actually, I got the impression that she has no idea that there are people in this region who follow her work. The only question where she kept her answer short was the one regarding her ex husband and the rumors that they'll be making another movie together.

We also got a chance to meet her son, he came at the end of our conversation...he's a really sweet kid. What really surprised me was her approach, if I can call it like that... I expected a self absorbed celebrity, and I met someone who's just the opposite... Even more, she showed us respect from the beginning 'till the end and answered all the questions, even though she had to go and get ready for a movie screening. (we talked to her between her lunch break and the movie screening)

We talked for a while even after the voice recorder was off. She recognized Meryem Uzerli and Burak Hakki on our cover, so we asked her does she know Meryem, and she said she doesn't, but she likes her work. In the end we asked her what does she think about our beer (because she was drinking it during our conversation) and she said it's great.

It's all I can remember right now, because it's really not easy for me to write much without discovering what she told me in the interview. All in all, the impression she left on me is really positive, there is not one negative thing I could say about her..the woman is so natural and very friendly. Maybe some people would hold it against her that she didn't want to pose for a couple of photos, but it was understandable to us, considering the interview would be published in a magazine..it's normal she's cares about her visual public exposure. I think that is the reason why there are just a few photos from the festival, she's not walking around Palic like a movie star, but as a normal girl next door, in casual attire..and I think she spent most of her time just like that.

The inteview itself you can expect in the beginning of August. I'm sorry that the Q&A interview form doesn't allow us to 'throw' in few of my personal thoughts (just to describe the atmosphere) because it was really great. In parts of the conversation, she, Ahmet, her best friend and I were equally participating in the conversation, where I would loose the role of the 'interviewer'..we were 'at the same page' sort of speak...

I don't know what kind of impression we left on her, but she couldn't have left a better one on us. It's a completely different thing that maybe some individuals won't be happy with the questions and/or answers..because we practically talked 'just' about her career, her previous roles, future plans...

She talked about the issues surrounding 'Ask Kirmizi', discovered would she, once again, work with Ozcan Deniz, what is the first thing that comes to her mind when someone mentions 'Ask ve Ceza', why did she accept the part in her new sitcom 'Bebek Isi'..she also talked about her love for painting, how does she reacts to gossip about her... We didn't talk about her private life, meaning, about her marriage to Cem Ozer or her current boyfriend.. But she did tell us how did their love story begin.

Ekskluzivni intervju sa Nurgul Ješilčaj - TV Novele #101